In the year 1904, by making the Co-operative Credit Society Act, it was started to provide loans on easy terms through cooperatives, which was the first step in the field of cooperatives in India. Initially, only two types of committees (urban areas and rural areas) were formed under this act.As soon as this act was passed, registrars were appointed by the various provincial governments, implementing its provisions with a speedy speed and effective programs were implemented in relation to cooperatives, due to which, in the coming years, there was tremendous progress in the field of cooperatives. After that, with a view to make the scope of cooperatives more comprehensive, in the year 1912, a new Co-operative Act was made.In this act, the distinction between the societies to be formed in the cities and rural areas was abolished and the spread of the cooperative movement also got proper protection and it became possible to form cooperatives for other purposes besides giving loans. Keeping in view the multifaceted expansion in the cooperative movement, in the year 1965, a new cooperative act was formed in Uttar Pradesh. Which remained equally applicable in the state of Uttarakhand till the year 2003. Read More…
1. To reach the cooperative movement to the masses.
2. To provide accessible agricultural credit to the farmers at low interest rates.
3. Timely supply of agricultural inputs.
4. To get the farmers a fair price for their produce.
5. To provide loans to the members by cooperative societies according to their need for non-farm loans such as education, health, social obligations.
6. To free the farmers from moneylenders.
7. Self employment generation through cooperatives.
8. To implement the public welfare policies of the government through cooperative institutions.
9. To make consumer goods available at reasonable rates in remote and rural areas.
10. Purchase and marketing of agricultural produce through cooperatives.
11. To create employment in cooperatives by allotting work up to Rs.200 lakh to labor societies without tender.Read More…
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